Papers and presentations

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Scientific papers authored by and conference presentations made by Conservation Ecology Centre researchers (in bold), by financial year.


Scientific papers

Menon, V., McGregor, H., Giljohann, K., Pascoe, J.H., Le Pla, M. et al. Ecological factors influencing invasive predator survival and movement: insights from a continental-scale study of feral cats in Australia. Biol Invasions (2024).

Rees, M.W., Wintle, B.A., Pascoe, J.H., Le Pla, M., Birnbaum, E.K. and Hradsky, B.A. (2023), Dynamic shifts in predator diel activity patterns across landscapes and threat levels. Oikos e09849

Rees, M.W., Wintle, B.A., Robley, A., Pascoe, J.H., Le Pla, M., Birnbaum, E.K. & Hradsky, B.A. Fox control and fire influence the occurrence of invasive predators and threatened native prey. Biol Invasions (2023).

Le Pla, M., Hradsky, B.A., Di Stafano, J., Farley-Lehmer, T.C., Birnbaum, E.K. and Pascoe, J.H. (2023). Movement and ranging behaviour of long-nosed potoroos (Potorous tridactylus) in south-west Victoria, Australia. Wildlife Research –

Conference presentations

Templeton, J. The Big Pig-ture. Victorian Biodiversity Conference 2024; Geelong Field Naturalists Club 2024; Corymbia Biodiversity Project 2024; 19th Australasian Vertebrate Pests Conference 2024

Templeton, J. Feral Animals Across the Otways. Southern Otways Landcare Network, Small Blocks Big Dreams 2024

Templeton, J. Rooted in trust – Leveraging NGO strengths for community and stakeholder support in responsible feral pig management.19th Australasian Vertebrate Pests Conference Keynote Presentation & Q&A Panel Discussion 2024.


Scientific papers

Rawluk, A., Neale, T., Smith, W., Doherty, T., Ritchie, E., Pascoe, J., Murray, M., Carter, R., Bourke, M., Falconer, S., Nimmo, D., Price, J., White, M., Bates, P., Wong, N., Nelson, T., Atkinson, A., & Webster, D. (2023). Tomorrow’s Country: Practice-oriented principles for Indigenous cultural fire research in south-east Australia. Geographical Research, 1– 16.

Rees, M. W., Pascoe, J. H., Le Pla, M., Robley, A., Birnbaum, E. K., Wintle, B. A., & Hradsky, B. A. (2023). Mesopredator release among invasive predators: Controlling red foxes can increase feral cat density and alter their behaviour. Journal of Applied Ecology, 00, 1– 15.

Blyton, M., Brice, K., Heller-Uszynska, K., Pascoe, J., Jaccoud, D., Leigh, K., & Moore, B. (2023). A new genetic method for diet determination from faeces that provides species level resolution in the koala. 10.1101/2023.02.12.528172.

Conference presentations

Farley-Lehmer, T. Striking a Balance Between Conservation and Bushfire Risk ina Flammable System. Ecological Society of Australia Conference 2022; Otways Ecological Research Forum 2022; Victorian Biodiversity Conference 2023.

Le Pla, M. David vs Goliath – Describing the response of predators and prey to fire in a biodiverse heathland. Ecological Society of Australia Conference 2022 (Winner of the Society for Conservation Biology Prize for a spoken paper on conservation by a student.)

Le Pla, M. Describing the response of predators and prey to fire in the Carlisle Heath. Otways Ecological Research Forum 2022.

Paccoe, J.H., Le Pla, M., Farley-Lehmer, T. and Birnbaum, E Weeyn (Fire) in Gadabanut Meereng (Country) Ecological Society of Australia Conference 2022

Templeton, J. The contemporary and pre-colonial distribution, community ecology and soil condition of murnong (Microseris sp.) across Eastern Maar country. Victorian Biodiversity Conference 2023.


Scientific papers

Le Pla, M., Birnbaum, E., & Rees, M., Hradsky, B., Weeks, A., Rooyen, A., & Pascoe, J. (2022). Genetic sampling and an activity index indicate contrasting outcomes of lethal control for an invasive predator. Austral Ecology. 47. 10.1111/aec.13182.

Rutter, N., Stukas, A., & Howell, T., Pascoe, J. & Bennett, P. (2022). Improving access to conservation detection dogs: identifying motivations and understanding satisfaction in volunteer handlers. Wildlife Research 49(7) 624-636 10.1071/WR21113.

Conference presentations

Farley-Lehmer, T. Striking a Balance Between Conservation and Bushfire Risk. South-West Biodiversity Forum 2021

Farley-Lehmer, T. Managing both Fuel Hazard Reduction and Conservation in a Flammable System. OTSRN Forum 2021

Le Pla, M. How do Long-nosed Potorros respond to fire? South-West Biodiversity Forum 2021

Le Pla, M. How do Long-nosed Potorros respond to fire in the Carlisle Heath? OTSRN Forum 2021

Le Pla, M & Birnbaum, E. Effect of Fire on the Carlisle Small Mammal Community. OTSRN Forum 2021

Pascoe, J.H. Plenary. Victorian Biodiversity Conference 2022.

Wilson, T & Pascoe, J.H. The Emerging Threat of Feral Pigs in the Otways. OSTRN Forum 2021


Scientific papers

Rutter, N.J., Howell, T., Stukas, A., Pascoe, J. & Bennett P.C. (2021). Diving in Nose First: The Influence of Unfamiliar Search Scale and Environmental Context on the Search Performance of Volunteer Conservation Detection Dog–Handler Teams. Animals 11(4):1177 10.3390/ani11041177

Rutter, N.J., Howell, T., Stukas, A., Pascoe, J. & Bennett P.C. (2021). Can volunteers train their pet dogs to detect a novel odor in a controlled environment in under 12 weeks? Journal of Veterinary Behavior Clinical Applications and Research 43 10.1016/j.jveb.2020.09.004

Swan, M., Le Pla, M., Di Stefano, J., Pascoe, J. & Penman, T.D. (2021). Species distribution models for conservation planning in fire‐prone landscapes. Biodiversity and Conservation 30(3):1-18 10.1007/s10531-021-02136-4

Rutter, N.J., Mynott, J.H., Howell, T., Stukas, A., Pascoe, J., Bennett P.C. & Murphy N.P. (2021). Buzzing with possibilities: Training and olfactory generalization in conservation detection dogs for an endangered stonefly species. Aquatic Conservation Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 31(96) 10.1002/aqc.3531

Conference presentations

Le Pla, M. Pieces of the puzzle: Insights into fox control in the Otway Ranges using non-invasive genetic sampling. 18th Australasian Vertebrate Pest Conference, May 2021


Scientific papers

Rees, M.W., Pascoe, J.H., Wintle, B., Le Pla, M., Birnbaum, E. and Hradsky, B. (2019).  Unexpectedly high densities of feral cats in a rugged temperate forest. Biological Conservation vol. 239.

Blyton, M.D.J., Soo, R., Whisson, D., Marsh, K., Pascoe, J.H., Le Pla, M., Foley, W., Hugenholtz, P. and Moore, B. (2019). Faecal inoculations alter the gastrointestinal microbiome and allow dietary expansion in a wild specialist herbivore, the koala. Animal Microbiome 1(6).

Conference presentations

Birnbaum E.K, Expanding the Otway Ark – a local fox-control program that has gone cross tenure, Private Land Conservation Conference 2019 & South-West Biodiversity Forum 2019

Birnbaum, E.K. The Next Big Threat- tackling the feral pig problem”, OTSRN Forum 2019 & South-West Biodiversity Forum 2019.

Le Pla, M. Evaluating Efficacy: Non-invasive genetic sampling in the Otway Ranges, Ecological Society of Australia 2019 & OTSRN Forum 2019

Le Pla, M, Long-term monitoring of Leafy Greenhoods reveals a population of national significance on Cape Otway, South West Biodiversity Forum 2019

Pascoe, J.H. Ecologists and practitioners collaborating to set research priorities for threatened species conservation in the Otways, Ecological Society of Australia Conference 2019 & South-West Biodiversity Forum 2019.


Scientific papers

Rees, M.W., Pascoe, J.H., Wintle, B., Le Pla, M., Birnbaum, E. and Hradsky, B. (2019). Unexpectedly high densities of feral cats in a rugged temperate forest. Biological Conservation vol. 239.

Blyton, M.D.J., Soo, R., Whisson, D., Marsh, K., Pascoe, J.H., Le Pla, M., Foley, W., Hugenholtz, P. and Moore, B. (2019). Faecal inoculations alter the gastrointestinal microbiome and allow dietary expansion in a wild specialist herbivore, the koala. Animal Microbiome 1(6).

Pascoe, J.H., Flesh, J.S., Duncan, M., Le Pla. M. and Mulley., R.C. (2019). Territoriality and Seasonality in the home range of adult male free-ranging lace monitors (Varanus varius) in South-eastern Australia. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 14(1):97-104

Conference presentations

Pascoe J.H. The Otway Threatened Species Forum, South-West Biodiversity Forum 2019.

Pascoe, J.H. Ecologists and practitioners collaborating to set research priorities for threatened species conservation in the Otways, Ecological Society of Australia Conference 2019.

Le Pla, M. Long-term Monitoring of Leafy Greenhoods reveals a population of national significance on Cape Otway, South-West Biodiversity Forum 2019.

Le Pla, M. Evaluating the impact of fox control in the Otway Ranges, Geelong Field Naturalists Club 2019.

Le Pla, M. Evaluating Efficacy: Noninvasive genetic sampling in the Otway Ranges, Ecological Society of Australia 2019, Federation, University Seminar Series 2019, VicBioCon 2019, OTSRN Forum 2019.

Birnbaum, E.K. Expanding the Otway Ark- A cross tenure fox control program. Private Land Conservation Conference 2019, OTSRN Forum 2019, South-West Biodiversity Forum 2019.

Birnbaum, E.K. The Next Big Threat tackling the feral pig problem”, OTSRN Forum 2019 South-West Biodiversity Forum 2019